Friday, November 23, 2007

Buy Buy Buy

Today is Black Friday in the States, the equivalent to our Canadian Boxing Day. The day after Thanksgiving is typically the biggest shopping day of the year south of the border; a day where shoppers line-up the night before, the wait at the Canada-US border stretches for miles, and store clerks are trampled by parents eager to pick up Hannah Montana merchandise at can't be beat prices. It's the most wonderful time of the year.

To combat "Black Friday," someone stared "Buy Nothing Day," asking consumers to resist the really cheap Lazy-Boy or the really, really cheap flat screen TV, and instead just buy it the day after. Okay, so the 'day after' thing isn't the intended design of Buy Nothing Day, but an unfortunate occurrence, especially for the people pushing Buy Nothing Day and to all 3 people that bought nothing. Probably because they forgot to set their alarm to go off so they could be in line for the 5am doorcrasher at Best Buy.

To combat "Buy Nothing Day," someone started "The Three Day Weekend Sale," another blow to the Buy Nothing Day camp. These guys just can't catch a break. No matter the attempt, the big companies with their bigger sales just suck you in. That is why I'm proposing a new day: Buy Everything Day. You see, if you bought everything, you would have no more money to buy anything else. Then, no matter the sale or bargain deal on Hannah Montana t-shirts and lunch boxes, you wouldn't be able to afford it. The Buy Nothing Day people are happy, the companies are happy, it's a win-win situation! NOBEL PRIZE PLEASE.

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